Current Unitec Manufacturers and Distributors:

Please complete the form below for electronic signature routing. It must be signed by a company owner, officer, or principal.

    STEP 1: Complete the Applicant section below. This will be the user of the account.

    STEP 2: Are you the Owner, Officer, or Principal of your Company?

    • If YES, click on the "Begin Signing" button in the form below. (Leave the Authorized Signer section blank.)
    • If NO, then complete the Authorized Signer (Must be a company owner, officer, or principal.) information. Then click on the "Begin Signing" button.

An email will be sent and you'll be asked to review the document. Click on the link, and answer the questions as the online document prompts for information.

Car Wash Operators:

Please visit the Car Wash Operator site and self-register online to buy VIP Coupons®, VIP Wash Pass®, and RFID tags. No signed document is necessary.