Bubble # Part # Item Description
2 OM1548 Portal TI Daughter Board Assembly
3 OM1421 Wash I/O Board
4 OM1666 Ethernet Surge Protector


P/N: OM1421

Wash I/O Board

To order, contact the In-Bay Order Team at unitecorderentry@drb.com or 443-561-1200 Option 3.

P/N: OM1548

Portal TI Daughter Board Assembly

To order, contact the In-Bay Order Team at unitecorderentry@drb.com or 443-561-1200 Option 3.

P/N: OM1761

Atom 525 Com Port Exp Board

To order, contact the In-Bay Order Team at unitecorderentry@drb.com or 443-561-1200 Option 3.